BiteFight Clone
Nulledscript Games

Nulledscript Games
You MUST accept the following to play this game.

§ 1 Yapilan Içeregi
(I) Participation Guidelines To approve the conditions for the use
BiteFight e katilabilmek BiteFight especially in sarttir.Bu Terms of use with representation on the net, but sirf alakalidir not upset with it.

(II) Liability BiteFight
played a oyundur.Serv free php echo "$ name";?> permission and about the quality of any devamliligi There is no right to the user's. BiteFight responsible for the content server errors and the program does not collapse. Any a player in any way adversely affect server çöküsünden or program is hatasinda, and status kaydinin bring this issue again before the claim can not be!.

§ 2 Membership
(I) Member since
Forum and / or a successful server yapilan BiteFight e basvurunun after your membership started olmaktadir.

(II) membership are end user Tarafindan anyone at any time without asking
unregister user is entitled to delete. Deleting datalari technical reasons Because it may take longer. User does not record longer gerekliliginden BiteFight Datalarini techniques (see § 6).

(III) membership is run to finish Tarafindan a legal right to play bitefight
No user does not. Logging operators, if the player BiteFight rules or does not match BiteFight talimatina delete, or ice cream is entitled (under Forum and Game Rules It is possible to see). Deleting this project about the recording of the decision gives yöntecileri. Deleting registered against transhipping put in front of that court only BiteFight itself within yapilabilir.Yasa any claim in mümkün degildir, çünkü bu oyun için herhangi bir ücret talep edilmez.

(IV) or sometimes a whole financed Partial User Tarafindan Kayitlar Any user pay if a certain
, this payment equivalent to duše other than the right of (for example, during the game do not see any ads and ads arindirilmis olmasi kaydinin) other things I can not claim. Or sometimes completely A part-financed by the user logs in the same game rules to follow other free kayitlardaki ending their own status and to claim money back edemezler.Ödenen demand, but players kaydinin Deleting own initiative result in completely BiteFight's possible the result of the rules of registered players uymamasi Reimbursement is deleted due to demand money back for the game rules determined edilemez.Yasal and uyunulmamasi, members kaydinin deletion results in

§ 3 Contents / Responsibility
among them the users transmit their php echo "$ name";?> and to assist diyaloglarina BiteFight a platform that has established order. The forward php echo "$ name";?> In nature each user himself is responsible. Pornographic, racist, discriminatory, ayrilikçi, defamatory or in any way to the constitution and civilians responsible for illegal content is run and degildir.Her user is responsible for their own içerginden delete user logging is responsible for the Situations of çikmasinda or donrulucaktir.

§ 4 Izin not Give

(I) use methods related Tarzi blocking the flow of the game, or a member of
impressive mechanism, software or a similar method kullanmasi The technical capacity of the game and server yasaktir.Üyenin coercive and corrosive practices kullanmasi prohibited. Member message are the moderators of the game içergini degistirmesi, ulasmasini prevention, gelisini blocked from time to time to be in any way or to intervene in the game prohibited.

(II) Using Restricted Olan Yabanci Programs
any BiteFight in another program opening sayfasinin browserdan prohibited. This is especially the case Webinterface i degistirebilen ya da tamamlayan Bots adi verilen ve buna benzer Tools lar için geçerli. A player According to the unfair advantages that will help other players saglamsina script, automated programs and partly automated programs use of the Internet browser with integrated yasaktir.Auto-Refresh-Functions automatic use of these mechanisms also prohibited the use of long bunlarin oldugu subject. Are financed through advertising revenue and BiteFight Ads blocker therefore, to use a program changer negatory prohibited. For us, knowing that no matter yapilip yapilmadiginin, the results are important, so one of the Pop-Up-Blocker BiteFight players, Browser or similar programs bazli text must kullanmamasi.

(III) Direct Entry be done only through entry starting sayfasi kayitlarina
Player. Recording, processing during the initial does not matter where sayfasinin açilip açilmamasinin automatically opening prohibited.

§ 5 Use

(I) person Basina Açilabilecek Registration a multiple user logging on a server
olmasi observation in case of the situation certainly yasaktir.Bu members logging will be deleted without warning.

(II) A Kayit Basina Multiple User
Account-Sharing, that is absolutely forbidden to share with the same recording more than one user.

(III) Rules
Game rules will apply, please carefully read them.

(IV) of Block / Kayit Ice Cream Blocking operations according to the situation by
isle or for a certain period or permanently uygulanir.Ayrica Block tamamina yansiyabilecegi of the game, as the game's only a certain section to be effective.

§ 6 Data Protecting

(I) Recording of Personal Information required to implement rules and is run
GISlerin save the information itself the right to görüyor.IP addresses, registered during the given email address, completely independently by the user profile Initially and given section to the (second Email, ICQ Number) information such as the Database you there, too geçirilir.Forumda profile Database you will be switched. Deleting all entries with the recording information automatically bankasindaki deleted. Personal information about user baslatilmasi a legal process, information about user picture In case of a webpage to order the necessary legal authority has makamlarina state will be given. Third sahislara, especially ortaklarina ads, personal information will not be given definitely. Information about user may occur at any time to be saved against. But due to technical reasons, this game without personal information oynanamayacagi for the presence of such a situation, the user's personal information such as information bankasindan silincegi game logging will also be deleted, so you çikarilacaktir game.

superior rights in
(I) General All of the vessels and their
record, resources, building a virtual environment is a product. User logging and have the right to belong kaydina is no substance! However, all rights belong isle. Consumption and rating of the right to another kullanicaya aktarilmasi not possible.

(II) to provide financial value and so Marketing without the written permission
Isletmecinin, unregister to another user's own nonstop, another user kullanmasina permits, in other kullacinin will help in any way to enter the benefit saglamasina php echo "$ name";?> de Research Market Research, strictly prohibited. The user's own unique position direct sales resources, or any outdoor artirma The user certainly another way satmasi special password to another yasaktir.Bu yasaga granting of user rights transmission and all these secret talks between people to make rules for disina çikabilmek are also included. Permission are not given disclosure, sales, financial value artirimi, copy, distribution or any similar rules of the game application and outskirts is followed and if necessary in accordance with law behavior to the court about the case are also moved and the user opens.

(III) Exceptions a continuous and material of the recording
karsilik alinmaksizin transmission to one another. Rules remain dependent (eg taking money from real or without) other players within your own server with the source Bulundugu swap, to shop.

§ 8 Liability
BiteFight this game with handicaps or damages consisting oynanmasi therefore does not take any responsibility. Responsibility, if there an intention to harm or if there is clear negligence or the life of Kabul caused edilir.Sagliginda not accepted responsibility for problems that may come. To do that I see as beneficial to say that; dependent for a long time to stay along with the beginning of computer games extreme may bring serious health risks.

§ 9
is run at any time to change or expansion is authorized conditions of use. A real change or completion, BiteFight forum and in the initial sayfasi, enters into force for at least 2 weeks ago explained.

and § 10 Used

Regulatory Law
BiteFight applications related to any legal process, and German law applies. If more than one court drawn into question, if the court decision will give the region's court will bulunduğu in Isletmecinin.

© 2006-2024 by BiteFight Clone. All Rights Reserved.